
For mums who wear jeans, kids who wear gumboots and those that hate to be photographed

My style of photography has been shaped by my parenting journey. I didn't set out to be one but my daughter's temperament saw me become an attachment parent. I always knew being in nature was good for little children but my appreciation of this has grown with each passing year. I used to worry about stains on clothes but these days my kids are often barefoot and grubby. I have learnt to sit back and let their play be child-led and I now love nothing more than watching them exploring and assessing and taking risks. It never fails to amaze me how much entertainment and joy they can get from playing with sticks and stones and hunting for bugs.

growing up i dreamt of living in melbourne's dandenong ranges....

....In 2015, at 35, my dream came true.

I feel blessed everyday to call this place home.

I feel so privileged that I get to share the beautiful forests and gardens of the Dandenongs with my clients. Whether local or from the suburbs, I love taking families on an outdoor adventure, even if only for an hour.

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